viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

Turkey Thursday Table Presents Today´s Short Story

History of Tuna

The nopal has been widely used throughout history by cultures settled on Mexico. So much so that the words are different in each culture, in their respective language, has been used and used to refer to this plant: 

The cultural importance of nopal in Mexican history is reflected even in the presence of this plant in the coat and flag of the country, including the representation of a nopal on which an eagle devouring a snake. 

There is great diversity of tunas, with a wide range of flavors and colors, which have allowed a varied gastronomic use cactus in Mexican cuisine.

Posted by Star

1 comentario:

  1. Star, it's very good to mention the importance of nopal in Mexico. Nice post dude.
    -Marcelo Rodríguez
