viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

Turkey Thursday Table Presents Today´s Short Story

History of Pineapple

Ananas comosus is the botanical name of the fruit we know as the pineapple. Native to South America, it was named for its resemblance to a pine cone. The term pineapple (or pinappel in Middle English) did not appear in English print until around 1664. Christopher Columbus is credited with discovering the pineapple on the island of Guadeloupe in 1493, although the fruit had long been grown in South America. He called it piña de Indes meaning "pine of the Indians." South American Guarani Indians cultivated pineapples for food. They called it nanã, meaning "excellent fruit." Another explorer, Magellan, is credited with finding pineapples in Brazil in 1519, and by 1555, the luscious fruit was being exported with gusto to England. It soon spread to India, Asia, and the West Indies.

Posted by Star

Color yourself warm!

Hi everyone, color yourself warm! The color of the day is sunlight (light orange). You can wear everything with that color, express yourself! Remember that if anyone tell you that you look great, share this blog!

Posted by Fireworks

July 31: “Chili-dog Day”

Hi everyone! Today Thursday July 31 it´s “Chili-dog Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: Give chili-dogs to each person with whom you are in debt, that will make them happier.
  • Casual: If you are walking on the Street, please make a time to search the most nearly chili-dog car and buy one to be happy.
  • Hard-Core: Dedicate a party to the humble chili with all the town at the downtown to celebrate this emotive day to one of the America´s favorite foods.
Posted by Hero

Wasabi Wednessday Wave Presents Today´s Recipe

Eggplant Parmesan
8 to 10 servings

-3 eggplant, peeled and thinly sliced
-2 eggs, beaten
-4 cups Italian seasoned bread crumbs
-6 cups spaghetti sauce, divided
-16 ounce mozzarella cheese
-1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1) Preheat oven to 175 C.
2) Dip eggplant slices in egg, then in bread crumbs. Place in a single layer on a baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven for 5 minutes on each side.
3) In a 9x13 inch baking dish spread spaghetti sauce to cover the bottom. Place a layer of eggplant slices in the sauce.
4Sprinkle with mozzarella and Parmesan cheeses. Repeat with remaining ingredients, ending with the cheeses. Sprinkle basil on top.
5) Bake in preheated oven for 35 minutes, or until golden brown.
Posted by Star

Color yourself girly!

Hi everyone, color yourself girly! The color of the day is pig (pink). You can wear a polo or a T-shirt. If anyone tells you that you look great, say: "I dress this way because today is special to look like a girl"

Posted by Fireworks

July 30: “Cheesecake Day”

Hi everyone! Today Wednesday July 30 it´s “Cheesecake Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: Bring some cheesecake to the office to commemorate this special day.
  • Casual: Use t a cheesecake as a present, so give it to someone you like.
  • Hard-Core: Throw a cheesecake party in which the only food that will be in there be cheesecakes.
Posted by Hero

Tamale Tuesday Takeover Presents Today´s Short Story

History of Watermelon

Watermelon's botanical name, Citrullus vulgaris, comes from the diminutive form of citrus, referring to the color and shape of the fruit, and vulgaris meaning common or ordinary fruit. The flesh of this succulent fruit is over 90 percent water. Native to Africa, it was a valuable and portable source of water for desert situations and when natural water supplies were contaminated. Watermelons were cultivated in Egypt and India as far back as 2500 B.C. as evidenced in ancient hieroglyphics.

Posted by Star

Color yourself deliciuos!

Hi everyone, color yourself deliciuos! The color of the day is summer skin (light orange). You can wear a polo or a T-shirt. If anyone tells you that you look great, say: "I dress this way because I had read it in a blog”

Posted by Fireworks

July 29: “Lasagna Day”

Hi everyone! Today Tuesday July 29 it´s “Lasagna Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: Ask a friend how you can cook a lasagna and have a great time during the process.
  • Casual: Make a special dinner with the lasagna as the highlight.
  • Hard-Core: Organize a formal dinner with the family and have in count the lasagna as a highlight.
Posted by Hero

Meat Monday Machine Presents Today´s Recipe

Summer Radish Salad
6 servings

-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1 cup sliced red onion
-1 cup seeded and sliced cucumber
-1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
-2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
-1/2 teaspoon white sugar
-1 clove garlic, minced
-1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill

1)Toss radishes with salt; let stand for about 10 minutes.
2)Drain any liquid and transfer radishes to a large bowl.
3Add red onion and cucumber slices. Whisk olive oil, vinegar, sugar, garlic, and dill in a small bowl until well mixed; pour over vegetables and toss to combine.
4Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving

Posted by Star

Color yourself ecological!

Hi everyone, color yourself ecological! The color of the day is leaves (light green). You can wear a polo, T-shirt, scarfs and a hat of this color. If anyone tells you that you look great, say: "I am dressing this way because today is made to wear ecological”

Posted by Fireworks

July 28: “Milk chocolate Day”

Hi everyone! Today Monday July 28 it´s “Milk chocolate Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: Make a trip to the milk chocolate factory with you friends and learn something about it.
  • Casual: Include this drink in all your meals, so you can have energy during the day.
  • Hard-Core: Make a party in Sunday morning in which you invite all your neighbors to coexist at the breakfast.
Posted by Hero

Color yourself pretty!

Hi everyone, color yourself pretty! The color of the day is ocean (blue), wear ocean polo and jeans. When a person wear simple blue clothes he/she looks prettier and a cool person. Follow this tip!

Posted by Fireworks

July 27: “Parent´s Day”

Hi everyone! Today Sunday July 27 it´s “Parent´s Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: Change roles with your parents, you will have to obey their petitions.
  • Casual: Is your chance to said thank you to your parents for all.
  • Hard-Core: Organize a surprise party for your parents, you have to invite the whole family to this. During the party, give a time to thank your parents for all.
Posted by Hero

Color yourself hot!

Hi everyone, color yourself hot! The color of the day is summer skin (light orange). You can wear a polo or a T-shirt. If anyone tells you that you look great, say: "I dress this way because I had read it in a blog”

Posted by Fireworks

July 26: “One voice Day”

Hi everyone! Today Saturday July 26 it´s “One voice Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: Invite a friend to read the Universal Peace Covenant.
  • Casual: Declare your commitment with global peace.
  • Hard-Core: Organize a meeting in your neighborhood to read the Universal Peace Covenant and declare your commitment with global peace.
Posted by Hero

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

French Fries Friday Fun Presents Today´s Recipe

Double Tomato Bruschetta


-Original recipe makes 12 servings -6 roma (plum) tomatoes, chopped -1/2 cup sun-dried tomatoes, packed in oil -3 cloves minced garlic -1/4 cup olive oil -2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar -1/4 cup fresh basil, stems removed -1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper -1 French baguette -2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1) Preheat the oven on broiler setting. 2) In a large bowl, combine the roma tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, basil, salt, and pepper. Allow the mixture to sit for 10 minutes. 3) Cut the baguette into 3/4-inch slices. On a baking sheet, arrange the baguette slices in a single layer. Broil for 1 to 2 minutes, until slightly brown. 4) Divide the tomato mixture evenly over the baguette slices. Top the slices with mozzarella cheese. 5) Broil for 5 minutes, or until the cheese is melted.
Posted by Star

Color yourself sweeter!

Hi everyone, color yourself sweeter! The color of the day is summer skin (light orange). You can wear a polo or a T-shirt. If anyone tells you that you look great, say: "I dress this way because I had read it in a blog”

Posted by Fireworks

July 25: “Talk in an Elevator Day”

Hi everyone! Today Friday July 25 it´s “Talk in an Elevator Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: If you want to tell a secret to someone, tell it in the elevator, is too private.
  • Casual: If you are exhausted of your work, get into an elevator and relax and think about good stuff.
  • Hard-Core: Organize a massive party in the elevator of your office, where you include drinks, food etc. Why not?

Posted by Hero

Turkey Thursday Table Presents Today´s Short Story

History of Guava

The guava has been cultivated and distributed by man, by birds, and sundry 4-footed animals for so long that its place of origin is uncertain, but it is believed to be an area extending from southern Mexico into or through Central America. It is common throughout all warm areas of tropical America and in the West Indies (since 1526), the Bahamas, Bermuda and southern Florida where it was reportedly introduced in 1847 and was common over more than half the State by 1886. Early Spanish and Portuguese colonizers were quick to carry it from the New World to the East Indies and Guam. It was soon adopted as a crop in Asia and in warm parts of Africa. Egyptians have grown it for a long time and it may have traveled from Egypt to Palestine. It is occasionally seen in Algeria and on the Mediterranean coast of France. In India, guava cultivation has been estimated at 125,327 acres yielding 27,319 tons annually.

Posted by Hero

Color yourself flash!

Color yourself as flash (the hero)! You need to sunrise (red) jacket or shirt in order to be accomplish your personality. When anyone tells you that you look such a hero don´t forget to answer: "Thanks, I followed a friend´s tip"

Posted by Fireworks

July 24: “Tequila Day”

Hi everyone! Today Thursday July 24 it´s “Tequila Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: Bring some tequila to the office and celebrate something after the work, there is no reasons to doesn’t drink tequila.
  • Casual: If you had a bad day, nothing better than a tequila to revive your self-esteem.
  • Hard-Core: Organize a September 15th party, and obviously, don´t forget the tequila to pass a great time. Cheers!

Posted by Hero

Wasabi Wednessday Wave Presents Today´s Recipe

Crab and Pea Salad

INGREDIENTS: -Original recipe makes 4 servings -8 slices bacon -1 (10 ounce) package frozen green peas, thawed -1 pound imitation crab meat, flaked -1/2 cup mayonnaise -1/4 teaspoon onion powder

METHOD: 1) Place bacon in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Drain, crumble and set aside. 2) In a medium bowl, combine peas, imitation crab, bacon, mayonnaise, and onion powder. Mix thoroughly. Cover and refrigerate until serving.

Color yourself quiet!

quiet 300x300 Why Is The Web So Quiet?Do you want to make a good first impresion by being a quiet person? We have the solution for you: Color yourself quiet! You have to use swimsuit (black) clothes. Black is related to shy people. Today is a formal day! 

Posted by Fireworks

July 23: “Hot dog Day”

Hi everyone! Today Wednesday July 23 it´s “Hot dog Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: Invite a friend to start your hot dog business, just buy a hot dog car and start selling all over the town, that may help you.
  • Casual: Is your opportunity to raise money for charities whilst combining large quantities of sausages, bread, ketchup, mustard and onions.
  • Hard-Core: In your son´s party, serves hot dogs to each of one of the guests.

Posted by Hero

Tamale Tuesday Takeover Presents Today´s Short Story

Story of Papaya

Though the exact area of origin is unknown, the papaya is believed native to tropical America, perhaps in southern Mexico and neighboring Central America. It is recorded that seeds were taken to Panama and then the Dominican Republic before 1525 and cultivation spread to warm elevations throughout South and Central America, southern Mexico, the West Indies and Bahamas, and to Bermuda in 1616. Spaniards carried seeds to the Philippines about 1550 and the papaya traveled from there to Malacca and India. Seeds were sent from India to Naples in 1626. Now the papaya is familiar in nearly all tropical regions of the Old World and the Pacific Islands and has become naturalized in many areas. Seeds were probably brought to Florida from the Bahamas. Up to about 1959, the papaya was commonly grown in southern and central Florida in home gardens and on a small commercial scale. Thereafter, natural enemies seriously reduced the plantings. There was a similar decline in Puerto Rico about 10 years prior to the setback of the industry in Florida. While isolated plants and a few commercial plots may be fruitful and long-lived, plants in some fields may reach 5 or 6 ft, yield one picking of undersized and misshapen fruits and then are so affected by virus and other diseases that they must be destroyed.

Posted by Star

Color yourself melancholic!

Hi everyone, today we will be melancholicbecause our color of today is boomerang (light blue), so color yourself melancholic!. You will be wearing polo. This kind of blue is related to be kind of sad. If someone ask you why you are wearing that, answer: Today is melancholy day!

Posted by Fireworks

July 22: “Hammock Day"

Hi everyone!
Today Tuesday July 22 it´s “Hammock Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:
  • Committed: Invite your partner and have a relaxing time in the hammock at the night looking the stars.
  • Casual: Find two sturdy, conveniently located trees, string up a comfy bed and relax.
  • Hard-Core: Organize a family meeting in the forest and tell them to bring their hammocks to have good time coexisting.
Posted by Hero

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Color yourself scary!

Color yourself scary! You need to wear shark (gray) socks, pants and shirts. In this way your body will be confused with your own shadow, creating the effect of fear in the people that look at you. If anybody asks you why you are in shark clothes, just answer: "Today is the day of being scary!"

Posted by Fireworks

Meat Monday Machine Presents Today´s Recipe

Cucumber Avocado Salad
4 servings

-1 cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
-1 small red onion, thinly sliced
-1/3 cup fresh dill, chopped
-1 clove garlic, quartered
-2 tablespoons white sugar
-1 teaspoon salt
-1 ripe avocado - peeled, pitted and chopped
-1/4 cup red wine vinegar

1.   Place the cucumber, onion, dill, garlic, sugar, and salt in a mixing bowl, and toss. Refrigerate for 20 minutes.

2.   Gently toss the avocado with the cucumber mixture. Refrigerate mixture 10 minutes more. Remove from the refrigerator, and drain. Remove and discard garlic. Toss the cucumber mixture again with the red wine vinegar.

Posted by Star

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

July 21: “Junk food Day”

Hi everyone!
Today Monday July 21 it´s “Junk food Day” Here´s how you can celebrate:

  • Casual- Satisfy yourself with something naughtier, greasier, and definitely more fattening than the nutritional meal you know that you really should be eating.
  • Committed- Sit down in the sofa with your best friend and play some video games, if you get tired, find some junk food to earn energy to keep playing.
  • Hard-Core- Make a massive party of junk food with your friends and eat all you can.
Posted by Hero

Color yourself mysterious!

You will use swimsuit (black) clothes, such as shoes and shirts,, This will cause that you look in a mysterious way, and remember it was a tip that you saw in this blog. Share it!

Posted by Fireworks

July 20: “Lollipop Day”

Hi everyone!
Today Sunday July 20 it´s “Lollipop Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:

  • Casual- If you are boring, mad or happy, have some lollipops during the day, why not.
  • Committed- Give a lollipop to your brother or sister, that´s what a brother or sister do.
  • Hard-Core- Organize a party to your son and the main topic should be lollipops: the show, candies, tables, chairs etc.

Posted by Hero

Color yourself nervous!

Today color yourself nervous! The color of the day is sunlight (orange). You can wear a polo or a T-shirt. Remember that the attitude would be very important today to be "nervous" and If anyone tells you that you look great, say: "I dress this way because I had read it in a blog”

Posted by Fireworks

July 19: “Raspberry Cake Day”

Hi everyone!
Today Saturday July 19 it´s “Raspberry Cake Day”.Here´s how you can celebrate:

  • Casual- Enjoy all your raspberries desserts in cake format.
  • Committed- Make a raspberry cake with your mom. Talk about all kind of stuff during the moment.
  • Hard-Core- Organize a raspberry cake contest in your community, the winner will be part of the best restaurant in the town.

Posted by Hero

French Fries Friday Fun Presents Today´s Recipe

Zucchini with Corn and Cilantro

2 servings
-1 teaspoon olive oil
-3 1/2 cups cubed zucchini (about 1 pound)

-1 cup frozen whole-kernel corn
-1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro
-1 teaspoon fresh lime juice
-1/4 teaspoon salt
-1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1) Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. 
2) Add zucchini and corn; cook, stirring occasionally, 7 to 8 minutes or until zucchini is crisp-tender.
3) Remove from heat, and stir in cilantro and remaining ingredients.

Posted by Star

Color yourself retro!

Mix and match your clothes. but don't mix them up too much. Balance it off with a neutral color, in this case we will be using summer skin (light orange). Remember that if anyone tell you that you look great, share this blog!

Posted by Fireworks

July 18: “Caviar Day”

Hi everyone!
Today Friday July 18 it´s “Caviar Day”.Here´s how you can celebrate:

  • Casual- Save your salary for a month to eat a single order of caviar.
  • Committed- Invite your partner to a luxury restaurant, enjoy the caviar and the bill.
  • Hard-Core- Throw a caviar party in the town. The highlight of the dinner has to be made of caviar. After this you will be in bankruptcy.

Posted by Hero

Turkey Thursday Table Presents Today´s Short Story

History of Tuna

The nopal has been widely used throughout history by cultures settled on Mexico. So much so that the words are different in each culture, in their respective language, has been used and used to refer to this plant: 

The cultural importance of nopal in Mexican history is reflected even in the presence of this plant in the coat and flag of the country, including the representation of a nopal on which an eagle devouring a snake. 

There is great diversity of tunas, with a wide range of flavors and colors, which have allowed a varied gastronomic use cactus in Mexican cuisine.

Posted by Star

Color yourself dead!

To look dead you need to wear swimsuit (black) clothes. This will create that you don´t have life inside you clothes. Remember that if someone asks you why you are dressing this way just say: "I followed a tip from an excelent blog"

Posted by Fireworks

July 17: “Yellow pig Day”

Hi everyone!
Today Thursday July 17 it´s “Yellow pig Day”.Here´s how you can celebrate:

  • Casual- Put on a costume of 17 toes, 17 teeth and so forth.
  • Committed- You and your best friend can imitate the two math students from Princeton, spending a long time obsessively analyzing the number 17.
  • Hard-Core- Organize a meeting with your family and try to let them know what is this day using all kind of stuff related to the pig.

Posted by Hero

Wasabi Wednessday Wave Presents Today´s Recipe

Simple recipe of squash
2 servings

-2 oz Blanco tequila
-3⁄4 oz Lime juice
-3⁄4 oz Grenadine
-1 oz Soda water
-salt to taste

Shake with ice and strain into an ice-filled collins glass. Top with soda and garnish with a lime wedge.

Posted by Star

Color yourself fashion!

Color yourself fashion! To accomplish this you need to wear ocean (blue) jeans or leggings. Today, fashion is blue. You can add a tie of the same color to look more fashion. Remember that if anyone tell you that you look great, just say thanks and share the blog.

Posted by Fireworks

July 16: “Corn fritter Day”

Hi everyone!
Today Wednesday July 16 it´s “Corn fritter Day”.Here´s how you can celebrate:

  • Casual- You can add your own favorite ingredients to spice them up or create your very own fritter monstrosity.
  • Committed- Bring corn fritters to the school, invite some mates to have a breakfast with you and enjoy it.
  • Hard-Core- Have a corn fritter reunion with your cousins. Every single item has to be related to corn fritters.

Posted by Hero

Tamale Tuesday Takeover Presents Today´s Short Story

History of Banana

The origins of the banana are kind of complicated as the nature of the banana’s origins themselves.  Archeologists have focused on the Kuk valley of New Guinea around 8,000 BCE as the area where humans first domesticated the banana.  Additionally, though this is the first known location of banana domestication, other spontaneous domestication projects may have occurred throughout the Southeast Asia and the South Pacific.  Therefore, Kuk is the first known instance of banana domestication, but it is probably not the cradle from which all other domesticated species sprang.  

Posted by Star

Color yourself nerd!

Color yourself as a nerd! To make this possible you have to wear a sunlight (yellow) shirt should be buttoned up, and preferably tucked into a pair of burn skin (orange-red) pants or a skirt.

Posted by Fireworks

July 15: “Gummi worm Day”

Hi everyone!
Today Tuesday July 15 it´s “Gummi worm Day”.Here´s how you can celebrate:

  • Casual- Add to all of your dessert some gummi worms to add some delicious flavor.
  • Committed- Challenge your best friend to see who eats more gummi worms.
  • Hard-Core- Create a gummi worm party in which all the food that will be in the celebration are gummi worms.

Posted by Hero

Meat Monday Machine Presents Today´s Recipe

Lettuce 6 servings

-6 cloves garlic, peeled
-3/4 cup mayonnaise
-5 anchovy fillets, minced
-6 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, divided
-1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
-1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
-1 tablespoon lemon juice
-salt to taste
-ground black pepper to taste
-1/4 cup olive oil
-4 cups day-old bread, cubed
-1 head romaine lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces

1) Mince 3 cloves of garlic, and combine in a small bowl with mayonnaise, anchovies, 2 tablespoons of the Parmesan cheese, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, and lemon juice. Season to taste with salt and black pepper. Refrigerate until ready to use. 

2) Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Cut the remaining 3 cloves of garlic into quarters, and add to hot oil. Cook and stir until brown, and then remove garlic from pan. Add bread cubes to the hot oil. Cook, turning frequently, until lightly browned.

3) Remove bread cubes from oil, and season with salt and pepper. Place lettuce in a large bowl. Toss with dressing, remaining Parmesan cheese, and seasoned bread cubes.

Posted by Star

Color yourself happy!

Today you have to dress happy. How to do it? Simply: You need to wear simple leaves (green) clothes. When a person wear simple green clothes he/she looks happier and a cool person. Follow this tip!

Posted by Fireworks

July 14: “Pandemonium Day”

Hi everyone!
Today Monday July 14 it´s “Pandemonium Day”. Here´s how you can celebrate:

  • Casual- Make a bucket list with the top 10 things you want to do before dying, and make it possible.
  • Committed- Enjoy your last moments in earth with the person you love, and if you want die together.
  • Hard-Core- Make the best party in human history because it will be last. Invite your family, friends, the most famous actors, soccer players etc. Enjoy it.

Posted by Hero