miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014


You are welcome to this blog: Euphoric July. We chose this name because we like a lot July and we think it is an amazing month. We wanted a adjective that describe this month, an easy word to remember. That's why we chose Euphoric! July because it is our month.

The purpose of why we did this blog is show to you the funny side of a normal day of July, in which we will demonstrate that every day has a particular celebration. Here we are going to show you some ideas of how the food inlfuences at almost every day.

We chose this design because we thought that this is a cool and formal at the same time, and perfect for this month. As we think that orange is perfect and related for most of our days because most of them are related with food.

1 comentario:

  1. Your post has led to the following conclusion(s), or prompted the following reaction(s):
    [] Imma chargin' my laser
    [] I fapped to this.
    [] (in, stick, pooper, etc)
    [] Double Tap R or Z
    [] [Tits | GTFO]
    [] We're going back to potatos
    [] I lol'd
    [] It's a trap
    [] Thread is made of (insert word) and win.
    [] Thread is made of (insert word) and lose.
    [] mmm, delicious copypasta
    [] I see what you did there.
    [] shop, pixels, seen a few, etc.
    [] wtf
    Which resulted in
    [] The party van showing up
    [] Being in before Bel - Air
    [] Doing a barrel roll
    [] Your being informed of my intentions.
    [] Surprise sex
    [] Anal sex
    [] I got my fuking power wrist. Asshole.
    [] Laughter
    [] Epic Win
    [] Epic Fail
    [] I came.
    [] (To be determined by evacuation of premeses or exposure of breasts.)
    [] wtf
